Leaving Town? What Not to Post Online

Social media is for sharing. But when you’re going out of town, there are things you should keep private to keep your home or your business safe. 

Join a neighborhood app.

Neighborhood apps and Facebook groups are great for staying in-the-know with what’s going on in your community. If you have access to the Internet, use these apps to keep an eye out for anyone posting any crime notices.

Secure your online accounts.

In case your devices are compromised, it’s a good idea to boost your security. Many apps offer two-factor authenticity, FaceID or other ways of upping the protection factor. At the very least, ensure your devices at least have a password lock and any available recovery apps (like Find My iPhone) on and updated.

Keep your plans private.

Travel dates and locations should remain private for the safety of your home and business. Posting about when you’re leaving town or that you’re out of town can make you an easy target. 

Talk to your mates about it.

If you are going to go through all of these steps to ensure your property is safe, it’s good to have your mates on board as well. Ensure their devices are safely secured, and talk to them about keeping the travel plans private until the trip is over.

Post pictures once you’re back home.

The safest time to post pictures of your travels are when you’re back home. You can take the time to upload or share them as you see fit when the locations knowing you’re home safely.

To enhance your peace of mind during vacations, consider investing in a professionally monitored security system from SSI. With advanced technology and round-the-clock monitoring, we can provide an extra layer of protection for your home or business, allowing you to enjoy your travels without constantly worrying about the safety of your property.